Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Dear sweet Alena...

Below is an e-mail I received from a dear friend of mine. We met in San Antonio. I guess reading her e-mail on Monday reminded me that, yes, we do live in a great nation, Alena never had an opportunity to vote for any other party but COMMUNIST...AMAZING. Excuse her broken English, she's only been in the U.S. for about 9 years. She is a sweet, caring woman, who would bring me slivovitsa any time I was sick, but I don't have time for that story!!!! God is still sovereign in our nation, don't forget.

Peace be with you all! I have received this from a good friend of mine, if you are interested, check it out. Hopefully it will be helpfull to you for upcoming elections. Since I don't vote, I will keep you all in my prayersto make the best decision for this country and please, do vote! Me growing up in Czechoslovakia we didn't have a chance to vote for any other party except Communist. To have a choice of different candidates and to vote is a great PRIVILAGE.
Sincerely Alena


Milk and Honey said...

Thank for posting Alena's note, Abby. Voting gets taken for granted way too often. That is one of the reasons why the boys always go with us to vote. We have talked to them about what a privilege it is before they could even walk! Maybe it will have sunk in by the time they are 18 and voting themselves.

Unknown said...

that is so amazing to receive that from your friend. i remember her! love ya...