Friday, October 3, 2008


You know like wOOOOw. That's wow, O.K., never mind. My computer has been down for a whole week...crazy!!!!! I was just catching up on my blog-reading, my favorite zone out, let the brain take a rest activity. I missed alot of information this last week...that sounded unemotional. It was not just information, it was personal struggles and down times and tears and dark clouds, many "downcast souls" as King David so eloquently phrased it. My blog sisters, please cheer up! These dark times will pass, you are in the care of a Mighty God...He will not allow you to be in this state forever. YOU, my blog sisters who are experiencing all shades of blue, will be written in my brand new prayer journal, so even though I might have gotten wind of your struggles late (due to my elderly computer), I will pray!!!!

The big news from the Kennedy house this week is that my eldest (does anyone use that word anymore) is 66". I know what you're thinking, "O.K., so now we're all going to start posting every time our kids grow an inch!" Well, I guess this is only monumental because it means that he is the same number of inches as his mother!!!!! There is just no way to prepare for moments like these when life just takes us by complete suprise. I wanted to tell the lady at the doctor's office to measure him again! It couldn't be right. IT WAS RIGHT! Well, Zachary William, I am still your mother, and I am still in charge, young man! Sorry, I just had to get that out of my system! He was laughing at Sean and I the other day because I had been accused of throwing him to a pack of wolves every day because he goes to public school. The person who made that accusation feels like you are not a Christian if your child goes to public school. I looked at Zach and said "Am I throwing you to a pack of wolves every day because you go to public school!?" He started to giggle and said, "No, mom, it's fun." If "public school" is such a bad place, why does he come home with a smile on his face almost every day? Please don't be offended if you homeschool or have your kids in private school. I feel very strongly that every child is an individual case, but in general, I believe that when my kids walk through that front door into their school, they are bringing Light with them because that is my prayer for them every morning! Well, I will sign off for tonight.


The Arteagas said...

Dear Abby - I sure enjoyed reading a post from you! not fun to have the computer down! And congratulations on Zach's height! I guess that's for him and not for him! And I too have always thought that public schools are place for kids to be a light . . . (not necessarily for everyone, but what a place to share Jesus' love). Praying for you and your family. I need to catch up - where has the time gone!?!?!?

Mandi! said...

Amen, Sister! I am with you totally- wherever they go, He goes as well:) OK so I'm a little slow! You have left little notes here and there on my blog and it didn't even occur to me that you had one! Ha! So it finally clicked and all's well in the world again:) Can I add you to my side bar? That's pretty much the only way I remember everyone's address:) Anyway, now that I've taken up the whole page- hope you have a wonderous rest of the week!

Rachel Melone said...

Abby!! I'm so glad you are my blog friend now!! Yes!
I do need to blog more, and no, you are not at all rude! We have been busy with Caed starting kindergarden, buying a new van, selling our house (hopefully!) and buying a new house... Yikes! Too many major life changes all at once for me. Apparently God likes to stretch me and step out in faith. :) Let's keep up!

Alicia said...

came accross you blog in a desperate attempt to find other christian mom's who do public school.
Do you mind if I as how old your kids are?
I'm hoping to put together a blog list of mom's how are seeking the Lord and thier kids are out there in the schools. Would you like to be linked in that way?
Oh, and I don't know if you know the above commenter personally, but I have son in kindergarten named Caedmon. Could it be that someone out ther actually named their son that too? :)

Cortney said...

Hello there! I caught you off of Rachel's blog. Hope you don't mind if I link to your site so I can check out the random Ken..... happenings. (dotted for security reasons :) )

Amber Joy said...

hooray, you're back!

Katie said...

Glad you liked the cookies! I'm hoping to get a sampler set out to y'all soon. Wish you were closer so I could make the boys some cake too!